🔲Self-Supervised Segmentation
Once an embedding / representation capabilities are learned, self-supervised deep clustering is used to generate a mapping between the embedding space and a user-specified set of classes.
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Once an embedding / representation capabilities are learned, self-supervised deep clustering is used to generate a mapping between the embedding space and a user-specified set of classes.
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This is done by attaching one or more Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) heads to the encoder and either just training the head(s) or also allowing the encoder to be fine-tuned alongside the MLP head(s). This is done using Information Invariant Clustering (IIC) loss, where the optimizer aims to find parameters that allow the model to make label assignments in a way that maximizes the mutual information between samples x and a perturbed version of those samples x'.
As a novel addition to this paradigm, we have developed the capability to attach downstream heads that only see subsets of the training data (all subsets are assigned the same class by the initial layer of MLP head(s)). By doing this we allow for heirarchichal segmentations/representations to be learned.
Xu Ji, João F. Henriques, Andrea Vedaldi: “Invariant Information Clustering for Unsupervised Image Classification and Segmentation”, 2018; arXiv:1807.06653.